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Here is just a Blimp of Amstedam get out there its HOT!

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Delivered into the guts of Amsterdam's main drag courteousy of Eurolines, stretch, chaffeur driven limousines (amazingly only ??5 Return) Sasha, Renzo, Socrates and Whispering Slim checked into the Luxurious "Shelter International Hostel" on Bloostraat in Amsterdams Exclusive Jordaan district (15euros/night) "He who dares wins Rodders"!

Red wine flowed, local delecacies sampled and the beautiful "undouchable women" flew by on thigh/bums/tums powered bikes, PHWOAR!

Roberto the Sardinian mafiosa "the builder" keep us entertained @ the infamous Rasta Baby coffee shop (near the railway station) whilst Renzo, Sasha, Socrates and Whispering Slim quneched thirst with Heineken, Dutch amber nectar! "I'm alright Jack, get what you can lads, and some!"

Screen Shot: Project BOB

The beautiful Italian coffee/ maid smiled in disbelief as the international mob gradually sampled the entire menu floating the Rasta Baby on the New York Stock Market!

Purple~Hazed the high grade Jamaican Sensi prooved to be the crowd pleaser @ 7.5 euros/gram

Just what the doctor ordered!

Two gorgeous undouchable women then shipped us around the canals of this great city for 4 hours slurping the finest Champagne, Red Wine and Dutch cheeses

Waving us good~ridence in the infamous Red~Light district we disappeared in the labrynth faster than a ferret down a rabbit hole "Get What You Can Lads!" and they did!

Eventually landing in the "Last Watering Hole"
@13 euros/night the cheapest joint to crash in town! We tilted the glass of "Cheeky beers"! "Iam alright Jack!"

Whispering Slim's Amsterdam Hotspots!

De Duivel
Address: Reguliersdwarsstraat 87
A compact luxurios Bar/Club Top Music Packed Out Fri/Sat Nights till 3am, If you like to jive 2 Hip~Hop with beaut women / Men this is your no.1 spot!

Address Weteringschans 6-8
Week~days Live musik, Weekends Legendary Hip~hop, Drum & Bass~line & Techno Nites, kicken crowd/ tunes deeep venue!
other class venus..Trance Bhudda Address: Oudezijds Voorburgwal 216.
The Ministry, Odeon, Escape & IT.

Hey have fun in this awesome city, doesn't it remind u of New York!


Federico and his onterage of escorts on a farewell Party in the Big Smoke London!